Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal remedy, as an integrative of acupuncture treatment, is a holistic system of wellbeing rebalance that has developed over 2000 years. The aim of Chinese herbal remedy is to treat body as a whole, rather than the symptoms. The practice believes that health is regulated by two opposing forces known as Yin and Yang. Disease is caused by an imbalance of Yin and Yang. Our herbal practitioners aim to restore the balance by the employment of acupuncture, herbal remedies, diet, exercise and life style management to enhance the overall of a person’s wellbeing.

Chinese herbal remedy, as an integrative of acupuncture treatment, is a holistic system of wellbeing rebalance that has developed over 2000 years. The aim of Chinese herbal remedy is to treat body as a whole, rather than the symptoms. The practice believes that health is regulated by two opposing forces known as Yin and Yang. Disease is caused by an imbalance of Yin and Yang. Our herbal practitioners aim to restore the balance by the employment of acupuncture, herbal remedies, diet, exercise and life style management to enhance the overall of a person’s wellbeing.

History of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese herbal remedy has a long history of medicinal use for over 2000 years and are an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It involves the use of the natural plants or extract substances from the plants which are dried and treated without any chemical assistance.

How does it work?

Each herb has its own specific characteristics and particular healing properties and perform particular functions in helping to prevent, treat and restore the body to its normal physiological functions.

There are many types of herbal preparations. Commonly used are infusions, tinctures or syrups, as well as dried herbs as decoctions, which can be used for prevention, health care, and treatment of various common health problems.

Are Chinese herbs safe to take?

Yes. Our TCM herbalist is highly qualified and experienced. Any adverse reactions to Chinese herbs are extremely rare under the UK government guildance.